British Animation Meets the 21st Century
Animators in Britain post-2000 have adapted rapidly to shrinking funds, changing technologies and new distribution models. This programme highlights some recent animated acquisitions of the BFI National Archive; from modern takes on traditional forms in the stop-motion horror of Rob Morgan, to the delightful digital disorder of viral superstar Cyriak. Expect BAFTA-winning student shorts, Animate! classics and a couple of eclectic surprises.
The Emperor
2001. Dir Elizabeth Hobbs
The Separation
2003. Dir Robert Morgan
Doubled Up
2004. Dir Samantha Moore
Guy 101
2005. Dir Ian Gouldstone
2005. Dir Run Wrake
Love Paintballing
2007. Dir Grant Orchard
The Black Dog’s Progress
2008. Dir Stephen Irwin
Rabbit Punch
2008. Dir Kristian Andrews
Mother of Many
2009. Dir Emma Lazenby
Cows Cows Cows
2010. Dir Cyriak Harris
Robots of Brixton
2011. Dir Kibwe Tavares
2012. Dir Alan Warburton
Mother’s Song
2012. Dir Linda Mccarthy
Brave New Old
2012. Dir Adam Wells
2014. Dir Jiamin Liu